It is so easy to find Scriptures in the Bible to tell us how important it is to correct our children.
"Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction will drive it far from him."
"He who spare the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."
"Discipline your son, for in that there is hope;"
"The rod of correction imparts wisdom;"
These are just a few of the verses in Proverbs that encourage us to discipline our children. There are many more that talk about children being foolish to despise correction and children being wise to heed their parents instruction.
We get so caught up in "mending the ways" of our children, that I think we sometimes forget the importance of commending the ways of our children. Proverbs 3:27 says, "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act."
Our children need to be encouraged when they do something right! How good do we feel when someone commends us for something that we did? Maybe our husbands came home and commented on the clean house. I love it when my kids comment on the supper I've made or when they thank me for something that I did for them.
We should be quick to do the same for our children. I had the chance to do that for Julia this week. Ever since Christmas, she has been sleeping on a cot mattress. She has a bed, but we've not been able to get the mattress yet. We have actually gone out several times to pick one up, but each time, something happened to prevent us from bringing one home. She has never once complained! I am so proud of the way she has responded to each of these times. She will just smile and say, "Don't worry about it, Mom. We'll get one later."
Yesterday I told her how proud I was of her Godly response. I could tell by the look on her face that it meant a lot to her for me to say that.
When we have corrected our kids over and over again for some particular attitude or action and it seems like they will never get it right, we should make sure that we commend them when they do get it right, and even more importantly, we need to commend them for other positive traits that we see in their lives.
If children always hear correction and never hear commendation, they will grow up being depressed and feeling like a failure! I want to encourage them to live their lives as unto the Lord, knowing that He is working in their lives to create a beautiful work of art!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
So God We Trust In You
This is a letter that was sent out to our friends and family concerning my brother Russ.
I wanted to give you all an update on Russ. Some of you may not be aware, but he had surgery on his thyroid yesterday (Monday). He had a biopsy done on his thyroid and a nodule on his thyroid a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said there were suspicious cells and that at least half of his thyroid would have to be removed. The doctor also said that while he was under he would do a better biopsy to find out more information. Well - yesterday the biopsy showed that he had malignant cancer and he'd have to remove the entire thyroid. At this point, it appears as though he was able to remove the cancerous part but Russ will have to go through radiation therapy in 4-6 weeks (which falls right about during Mini Session/Session 1). From now on, he will have to always take thyroid "replacement" medication.
I am so astounded by the goodness of the Lord. A few weeks ago, before we were aware he had this problem, Russ was rushed to the hospital with what was believed to be meningitis. As it turns out, he did not have meningitis, but as a result of all the tests he went through at that time, the doctors found the nodule on his thyroid. Had he not gone into the hospital thinking he had meningitis, the doctor let us know yesterday that by the time Russ had symptoms of this cancer, it would have spread and would not be as easy to remove.
He's not exactly out of the woods yet. Because it was malignant, there's always gonna be a chance it could reappear somewhere in his body - therefore, he'll have to get regular bloodwork/tests done to see if there's any evidence of cancer. This morning tests show that his calcium levels are pretty low and they are working on regulating that.
Please keep Russ in your prayers. More important than anything is that God is exalted and honored and this is Russ's prayer. Notes/emails of encouragement to him and my parents would be cool.
This was written by my sister, but is what our whole family is feeling right now. Over the last 6 months, we have had several people who have been close to our family pass away or have been diagnosed with cancer. We don't understand the ways of our God, but we do know that "He who promised is FAITHFUL."
In times like these, all we can do is get on our knees and praise the Lord for His goodness.
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform:
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill,
He treasures up His bright designs,
And works His sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour:
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own Interpreter,
And He will make it plain.
So God, we trust in You!
O God we trust in You.
When tears are great
and comforts few
we hope in mercies ever new
we trust in you!
From Worship God Live
Words by William Cowper
Additional words and music by Bob Kauflin
I wanted to give you all an update on Russ. Some of you may not be aware, but he had surgery on his thyroid yesterday (Monday). He had a biopsy done on his thyroid and a nodule on his thyroid a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said there were suspicious cells and that at least half of his thyroid would have to be removed. The doctor also said that while he was under he would do a better biopsy to find out more information. Well - yesterday the biopsy showed that he had malignant cancer and he'd have to remove the entire thyroid. At this point, it appears as though he was able to remove the cancerous part but Russ will have to go through radiation therapy in 4-6 weeks (which falls right about during Mini Session/Session 1). From now on, he will have to always take thyroid "replacement" medication.
I am so astounded by the goodness of the Lord. A few weeks ago, before we were aware he had this problem, Russ was rushed to the hospital with what was believed to be meningitis. As it turns out, he did not have meningitis, but as a result of all the tests he went through at that time, the doctors found the nodule on his thyroid. Had he not gone into the hospital thinking he had meningitis, the doctor let us know yesterday that by the time Russ had symptoms of this cancer, it would have spread and would not be as easy to remove.
He's not exactly out of the woods yet. Because it was malignant, there's always gonna be a chance it could reappear somewhere in his body - therefore, he'll have to get regular bloodwork/tests done to see if there's any evidence of cancer. This morning tests show that his calcium levels are pretty low and they are working on regulating that.
Please keep Russ in your prayers. More important than anything is that God is exalted and honored and this is Russ's prayer. Notes/emails of encouragement to him and my parents would be cool.
This was written by my sister, but is what our whole family is feeling right now. Over the last 6 months, we have had several people who have been close to our family pass away or have been diagnosed with cancer. We don't understand the ways of our God, but we do know that "He who promised is FAITHFUL."
In times like these, all we can do is get on our knees and praise the Lord for His goodness.
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform:
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill,
He treasures up His bright designs,
And works His sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour:
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own Interpreter,
And He will make it plain.
So God, we trust in You!
O God we trust in You.
When tears are great
and comforts few
we hope in mercies ever new
we trust in you!
From Worship God Live
Words by William Cowper
Additional words and music by Bob Kauflin
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Marks of love
On Friday, my three year old son Matthew came to me with a little magic marker that his fitness teachers had given him. He said, "Mommy, I love you!" Of course I quickly replied, "I love you too, Matt!"
He then asked, "Mommy, since I love you, can I mark you with my new marker? I want to mark everyone that I love!"
Today, I still bear his mark of love.
I am reminded of another's Son, who, because He loved us so much, He wanted to "leave His mark" on us. The mark of Christ lasts far longer than any marker, for it marks us deep below the skin - to our very souls!
Today and forever I will bear His mark of love!
He then asked, "Mommy, since I love you, can I mark you with my new marker? I want to mark everyone that I love!"
Today, I still bear his mark of love.
I am reminded of another's Son, who, because He loved us so much, He wanted to "leave His mark" on us. The mark of Christ lasts far longer than any marker, for it marks us deep below the skin - to our very souls!
Today and forever I will bear His mark of love!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Who's helping who?
I had an incredible thought. God is not here to help me train my children. It's really the other way around! I am here to help God. This is a Master/Apprentice relationship. Although He is in control and I am here to assist Him, I still need His help to fumble through the task that He has assigned to me.
When situations arise that I've never dealt with before or have tried to handle and failed, He is there to offer me His hand. All I have to do is take hold and He will guide me through this life giving me the knowledge that He possesses.
Something that I have always seemed to struggle with is having patience. I remember that as a senior counselor at camp we would fill out an end of the year questionnaires. One of the questions was what do you think God has been teaching you this summer? My answer was always patience!
I Timothy 1:16 says "I was shown mercy so that in me...Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life."
Oh that I might have unlimited patience! That seems so hard to come by when your kids keep doing the same thing over and over again, or when you just put the finishing touches on your recently cleaned house only to turn around for two seconds and it's once again resembling the aftermath of a tornado! This is just one of those areas that I will have to rely on the Masters teachings and trust that He will perfect this work in me that He started.
So, the next time I start to cry out to God for His help, maybe instead I should try asking Him what I can do to help Him raise my unruly bunch of warriors in training!
When situations arise that I've never dealt with before or have tried to handle and failed, He is there to offer me His hand. All I have to do is take hold and He will guide me through this life giving me the knowledge that He possesses.
Something that I have always seemed to struggle with is having patience. I remember that as a senior counselor at camp we would fill out an end of the year questionnaires. One of the questions was what do you think God has been teaching you this summer? My answer was always patience!
I Timothy 1:16 says "I was shown mercy so that in me...Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life."
Oh that I might have unlimited patience! That seems so hard to come by when your kids keep doing the same thing over and over again, or when you just put the finishing touches on your recently cleaned house only to turn around for two seconds and it's once again resembling the aftermath of a tornado! This is just one of those areas that I will have to rely on the Masters teachings and trust that He will perfect this work in me that He started.
So, the next time I start to cry out to God for His help, maybe instead I should try asking Him what I can do to help Him raise my unruly bunch of warriors in training!
Monday, May 01, 2006
My Personal Retreat

Welcome to my weekend get away!
I have felt God impressing upon my heart for some time now that I needed to have a personal retreat.
I will confess to you that my quiet times have not been what they should be and I knew that I needed to get alone with God and find out what He would have for me.
For all you moms of nursing babies, you know what a struggle those early mornings can be after being up several times to feed a hungry baby! This, along with Amanda having trouble staying in her own bed at night, seemed to give me a valid excuse for not rising early enough to get my time alone with the Lord.
I would try to snatch little moments throughout the day with the Lord, and was successful to some degree, but 10 minutes doesn't go very far when I think of all that God has called me to do as a wife and a mother!
So, all that being said, my husband was gracious enough to give me a full 24 hours away from the business of life to get alone with the Lord. What a blessing it was! Not only did I spend hours worshipping, seeking God, confessing, and listening to the Spirit, I got a good night's sleep as well! (Come to find out, Alyssa slept through the night while I was gone - that had to be God!)
God revealed many things to me during this time. He showed me areas of my life that I had failed my children, yet was faithful to show me how I could improve in those areas. He showed me ways to approach problem areas in my children's' hearts that I had previously been struggling with.
He also showed me that my quiet times are precious to Him and that if I would submit my tiredness to Him and be faithful to meet with Him, that He would bless this area of my life. That doesn't mean that the kids will always sleep through the night or that it would always be easy to jump right out of bed every morning, it simply means that He will be faithful to meet me every morning and that His grace will always be sufficient to get me through the day.
I really struggled with this. Not only was God prompting me to wake up before the kids, I knew that He wanted me to wake up even before my husband. Proverbs 31 says that the virtuous woman rises while it is still dark to get food for her household. Note that this does not just say for her children. The household definitely includes the husband!
So last night, in obedience to my Lord, I set my alarm to go off at 5:00 a.m. This morning, Alyssa woke up at 4:49 to be fed. The first time all night. God is so faithful!
Into his court she humbly came
fearful in knowing this could be her last hour.
For when she called out his name
her very life would be in his power.
Honor and admiration filled her heart.
This was the one who could bring her life!
This king had loved her from the start
and had proudly called her his wife.
Slowly she approached his throne in awe.
Trembling in fear her heart began to race.
Thirty days had passed since her name he did call.
Would he welcome her or from her turn his face?
As she humbly stepped into the inner court
the love and joy on his face he did not hide.
She had found favor with the one she adored!
The rod was lifted and she was welcome to be at his side!
Into Your courts I humbly come,
resting in the peace that You have given.
I call out Your name and to You I run
for to You my heart has been driven.
Honor and admiration fills my heart.
You have given me the gift of life!
You, my King, loved me from the start
and have accepted me, a mortal, as your wife!
I approach the throne of grace in awe.
The joy I find in You causes my heart to race.
For day by day my name You will call
and from me You will never turn Your face.
As I step into Your inner court,
the quiet place where only You and I abide,
I find favor with the One I Adore
and I am gladly drawn to Your side!
Like Queen Esther of long ago, I desire the presence of a powerful King. The difference is that I can approach my King with confidence, knowing that He will always be waiting with open arms.
The Bible says that Esther hadn't been called into the king's presence for 30 days! What a privilege to not only be called into God's presence daily, but I have the joy of continual communion with Him throughout the day!
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