Some would think that having so many children would make a house full of chaos. Others would say that we are just one big, happy family and that we all get along all the time! Well, neither opinion would be accurate.
Our house is usually fairly peaceful. On the other hand, our family is not without its problems!We have our share of disagreements, arguments and struggles just like any other family. Dave and I are committed to raising and training our kids for the glory of God, and therefore must constantly be addressing certain problems that our kids may have.
For instance, when one of children is approaching the "terrible twos", we need to address the problem of throwing tantrums and learning to obey the first time. Or when one our kids begins to show problems in the area of selfishness, we need to deal with that. Often it takes weeks or months to overcome certain "problem areas".
Since the kids are all so close in age (11, 10, almost 8, 6, 5, 3, almost 2, and 3 months), it seems like just as we finish going through some "phase" with one child, another one is just coming into the same "phase". (I use that word lightly - a phase is really just a certain sin surfacing within one of my children) Rarely do I have two children going through the same "phase" at the same time, but all of them seem have some sort of problem that we need to deal with! However, lately it seems like my kids are all having the same problem! The more we deal with it, the worse it seems to get. Some days it seems like we'll never get through this!
Today I read the verse in Hebrew 11 that says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I have read this verse many times, but today it took new meaning for me. This is not only referring to having faith in God whom we cannot see, but also to those things that you trust God to help you raising your kids! I can have faith that God will get my kids through this latest "phase". He has commanded parents to raise and train their children in the way they should go, so I can have faith that He will help us to get through whatever hardship we may be facing in this area. I may not be able to see the end result right away, but I can be certain of what I can't see because I have faith that it will happen!

1 comment:
Darling crew. I applaud you for your perseverence in the heart issues, and couldn't agree more with you about the phases. Someone today tried to tell me that what my oldest is manifesting (sinfully) is senioritis. I couldn't find that word in the concordance.
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