Our house has turned into a regular infirmary! I have all my medicine charts laid out along with all the labeled medicine cups and drinks. I move from person to person checking their condition and asking them if they need anything.

Each morning I wake up expecting to feel rotten. I tell myself, "I just know I'm next on the list!" Not so! God has been faithful in showing me that His mercies are truly new every morning. So far, I have woken up fairly refreshed and ready for another day of nursing my family back to health. My energy level is nothing short of a miracle! After several nights of getting up to tend the "sickies" at all hours, what else could explain this but an extraordinary God working an "ordinary" miracle?
I believe that God has given something special to those He has called to motherhood. Call it what you will, but it's made up of patience, endurance, an extra reserve of energy, discernment, and a huge dose of grace! If you think back to when Jesus was dying on the cross, even in one of His weakest moments He was looking out for His own mother. He saw her distress and even before she asked for His help, He told John to take care of her. (John 19:26-27)
We mothers can take this picture from long ago and apply it to our own lives. We can be confident that even before we ask for His help, Jesus will be looking out for our well being and give us what ever it is that we need to make it through every single day, whether it be strength, patience, energy, grace or His mercies which are new every single day!
This post and these pictures were very timely for me. My entire house (which is less than half yours) is sick and has been so for a week..with cold/congestion. Judah also gets asthma which makes things a bit more stressful, having to watch him a little more closely.
What an encouragement it is to know others are running just as hard (harder in your case) and having to rely on God's grace to persevere w/ a grateful heart in the midst of trying circumstances.
I'll pray for you today, Bev.
I guess this means we won't be blessed with your company tomorrow. Please know that I'm praying for you. Thanks for your example of joyfully serving your family, and giving God the glory in the midst of it.
Praying everyone gets better and the Lord will continue to keep you healthy as you serve them!
Hope everyone is starting to feel better now. What a rough job you've had! Praise God for His sustaining grace.
Love the charts. I hope you keep those in a scrapbook, along with the picture of all those juice cups. I am always amazed that I rarely get sick, no matter how many others in my family get sick simultaneously.
What a great wife God has blessed me with! Bev has served us all, cheerfully, and with very little sleep this week. When you include the one she's married to, she is really taking care of 9 children every day. I am so thankful for Bev. She is the real deal!
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