Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School!

If you have followed my blog in the past, you know that our family always starts school with a trip to Ocean City. We learn things in the car along the way to make it educational, and then we feast on Thrasher's french fries for lunch and enjoy the afternoon at the beach.

This year on the way down, my mom gave a talk on sea life and we learned many new things about sharks. (Did you know that the Sand Tiger Shark has 2 uterus, and that there are many babies inside each one? The strongest baby in each uterus eats all the others before they are born. Puts a new twist to sibling rivalry, huh?)

We also learned about the life of Beethoven and got to listen to many of his works, including the Moonlight Sonata and the 9th Symphony. What a gifted man!

Anyway...we had a blast yesterday! The fries were great and the water was warm. The kids had fun swimming with their Gramps and playing in the sand with Grammy.

On the way home, we got to visit with my Aunt and Uncle who live in a little town called Trappe. This is the town that my Mom grew up in. The older kids got to go to Uncle Jimmy's farm and watch the combines work while I stayed with the little girls and watched them play in the very playhouse that my mom played in when she was young.

What a great way to kick off our school year!


Zoanna said...

Goin' downee ocean, hon. What a great way to start the school year. But could your kids enjoy the water after hearing about sand sharks? My hubby SAW "just a small shark" in the water as he wading in down at Myrtle Beach. I said,"Paul, you can't put the word 'just' in the same sentence with 'shark'. You can't!" He said it was only a foot long. That's supposed to comfort me?

Bev said...

The kids had a blast swimming in the ocean despite the talk on sharks. The thing that bothered them more than that was all the Sea Nettles floating around. They had fun collecting the dead ones that had washed up on the shore, but the older kids all got stung at least once by the ones swimming around in the waves.