Friday, February 17, 2006

One of my Cuties

Okay - time for a little brag session!
This is my 2 year old Amanda. What a blessing she is! She is quickly becoming "Mommy's little helper." She loves to help empty the dishwasher, "fold" laundry (okay, so that's maybe not quite so helpful!) and clean up her toys. She is our resident parrot copying everything anyone says.
One of the things about Amanda that blesses Dave and I is her love to worship. During our family prayer time before bed, she dances and sings with all of her heart. Her favorite songs right now are "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord" and "Jesus, Thank You." What joy it brings us to hear her singing at the top of her lungs, " The Faver's wraff compweetwy satified, Jesus sank You" and "My hot will choose to say Lord, bwessed be Your name!"
At night when I tuck her into bed I always sing her two bedtime songs. "Baby's Boat", which is a lullaby that I learned from my mom, and "Prince of Peace" - a song that my brother and Laurie wrote. (Great song Todd and Laurie!) When I sing the line, For Your Spirit I am a dwelling place, she always asks me, "I a dwelling place, Mommy?" My prayer for this little angel is that one day she will be a dwelling place!


Unknown said...

Oh, that's the best!

Katie's #1 hit is still "Indestybubble":

Intestybubble, undetainable
You place da staws in da sty and
You aw amayzeen, Dawd!

Laurie said...

I don't even sing Prince of Peace to my own babies. Thanks for reminding me about it. I'll teach it to them tonight.

We sing Holy God and Goodnight, My Father every night.

Nicole Seitler said...

Katie loves "Blessed be Your Name" too so maybe we can get them to sing it together in Sunday School. ;)

Zoanna said...

Joel loves those songs also! Here's how he used to sing one:

Incrybable, entertainable, you pwaced de tars in de ky and you know dem by name, You are amaaaaazeeeeeen, God... " and the second verse he didn't know "awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim" so it went like "awbup defall do arnees aswe upbup prokwain,you are amaaaazeeeeen, God."

And he loves "Bwessed be de Name of de Lord, Bwessed be your Gwooorious Name...My heart will shoes to say..." Yes, great idea, Nicole! Let's have them sing these songs in children's church!

Abby Cannon said...

Bev, reading this is making me want to cry. I read it out loud to Jimmy and he kept saying, "AWWW!" I told him that Mandy and Jack are definitely going to have to get married...

So look out boys, she's taken! :)

Too sweet to handle.