Thursday, November 09, 2006

Birthday time again

In our family, no matter what time of year it is, there is usually a birthday looming just around the corner! We have birthdays within our immediate family 7 months out of the 12 and 11 out of 12 months in our extended family. The fun never ends!
This month we celebrated Nathan's 6th birthday. Due to my health, we had to do things a bit differently, but had a wonderful celebration none the less! We spent the day at my mom's house so that she could help out with the kids and so that she could join in the fun. My job was to watch everyone have fun and to take pictures, and Dave took care of picking up the presents, the decorations (Nathan chose Chicken Little) and the ice cream cake.
In the morning when we got to my parent's house, we found that my dad had raked up a ton of leaves into a huge pile. If you have ever been to Beachmont you can imagine the amount of leaves! The kids had a great time jumping in the leaves before lunch and then after lunch the 6 older kids spent a couple of hours taking part in the home school fitness program.
Dinner was one of Nathan's favorites - pineapple pizza! After dinner we went into the living room to watch Nathan open his presents. The kids helped him put together some of his gifts and they played for a little while before we went back to the kitchen to have birthday cake. After cake we were all ready to go home and go to bed!
A bit about Nathan - he loves to play with transformers, trains and turtles. He enjoys jumping on the trampoline, riding his bike and has discovered a new favorite thing to do - playing baseball with Gramps! He is getting ready to lose his second and third teeth. Nathan loves to worship during our family prayer time.

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