Thursday, November 02, 2006

Glimpses of Heaven

Many times throughout the Bible we read the accounts of different people getting glimpses of what the "perfect" world will be like. Glimpses of what life will be like after the return of our glorious Savior. Little glimpses of heaven: For example, when Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit at the sound of Mary's voice and she felt her baby leap with in her for the first time. I'm sure that Mary must have had a glimpse of heaven when she looked into the face of her little baby and realized that she was touching the face of God. Those who were present when John baptized Jesus and the heavens opened and the dove descended must have been amazed at their little glimpse of what was to come! I can imagine that those who were healed by Jesus - especially the blind - were certain that they were seeing a glimpse of heaven when they could see for the first time, hear their first noises, take their first steps.
I can think of many times over the course of my life that I am sure that I have had a little glimpse of what heaven must be like. Some things we see with our eyes, like watching the sunrise or the sunset with its many array of colors; or seeing the flowers blooming in the spring or the leaves changing colors in the fall.
Other things you not only see with your eyes, but you can feel in your heart that you have just gotten a glimpse of the beauty of heaven. Knowing in your heart for the first time that you are really truly in love; being awakened in the morning by your husband's kiss; feeling your baby move within you for the first time; sweet kisses from your children; heart felt prayers coming from the lips of your children.
This past week, I miscarried our 9th child. This past week, I also was given more glimpses of what heaven must be like than I have had in a life time. Seeing the compassion my children had for each other and the comforting glances and hugs that they gave to each other; being served unselfishly by my husband as well as my children and parents; being served by our church family in our time of need; experiencing God's grace in a greater way than ever before; knowing God's mercies are new every morning; seeing the incredible gift of creation as I held our son for the first and last time. Truly I have been blessed by these wonderful glimpses into what heaven must surely be like!
As I anticipate the glorious coming of our King and the home that He is now preparing for His children, I am now even more excited because I know that He will continually give me these glimpses of how wonderful heaven is going to be and that until He is ready for us, these glimpses that He is giving me are really a bit of heaven here on earth.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bev! Just think-he and his cousin are already playing together & planning for the day they can introduce the rest of us to Jesus!

Anonymous said...

You have been on my heart, Bev. I'm praying for you and your family. I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious boy.

Karen Hevesy said...

Beautifully written, we're praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bev, I am so sorry to hear about your baby boy. My heart aches with you, I am familiar with that inexpressible pain. What did you name him? I will be praying for you and waiting with you until The Day we can hold our babies again. I find comfort in the fact that Jesus is holding them close.

Bev said...

Zoanna - we named him Samuel. I also find comfort in knowing that the first face my baby looked at was the beautiful face of our Savior.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I remember feeling that way when we were at the viewing for Scott. We stood there and listened to people tell us wonderful things about Scott. Things we would never had heard had he not died. It was a piece of heaven on earth. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers!
Donna Bishop