Monday, October 17, 2005

A Mother's Tears

When the knowledge of my little one's presence first awakened in me a mother's heart,
The tears that fell were just the first of many that would fall from a mother's eyes.
Though most of the tears that fell were tears of joy and gladness,
Some were tears of wonder that God would choose me for such a noble calling!

When the time had come for my little one to enter this world,
The tears that fell were not the last that would fall from this mother's eyes.
These were the tears of pain and of anguish that only a mother can bear.
For these pains were to bring new life into this world and into my awaiting arms!

When I first saw your little hands, your little feet, and your face so fair,
The tears I cried were tears of joy that I at last could hold you close in my arms!
My tears were tears of thankfulness that God had brought you to me.
These were also the tears of a mother asking humbly for God's help to raise this little child.

When you would awaken me with cries of hunger in the wee hours of the morning,
Sometimes tears of frustration would fall from these mother's eyes.
I could not see how I would ever feel rested again. Would you never learn to sleep all night?
Then I would remember how patient God is with me and would cry out for His mercy.

While you are learning the many lessons that life has to offer,
The tears that fall from these mother's eyes will number many!
I will cry out continually to my God to save your little soul!
Surely He will not fail to see the tears that fall from this mother's eyes!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

This is precious. Thank you for capturing so poignantly what every mother knows. I always say that motherhood is way harder than I expected...and way better than I dreamed!