Monday, February 16, 2009


Today I am thankful for the freedom to home school my kids. What a blessing it is to know that the teaching they are getting is grounded in the Word of God and that it will not compromise the important things that Dave and I are trying to teach them. I love being able to watch the kids excel not only academically but in character and in their walks with God.
I am very blessed to have my mom come along side of me in teaching the kids. They love the time spent over at "Grammy's" and I can tell that they are benefiting greatly from the schooling they receive there as well as the spiritual input that comes from both my mom and my dad.
Last week we took a field trip to Lancaster to learn more about the Amish people. We learned about their history and about the way that they live and why they live such simple lives. The Amish are very hard working people who seek to serve the Lord in all that they do. I think that we all could learn a lot from them.
Here are some highlights from our trip. (We took my two nephews along with us.)

Amish sleigh.

They had the cutest little lambs!
Beautiful rooster.

Enjoying the playground.
Milking the cow.

One room schoolhouse.

The kids go "Amish".

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